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3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

 (i) Given below is a two-way communication cycle or the 
         process of communication.
(a) Can you guess the role of the sender and the receiver in 
      this process? What do we encode? What do we decode?
Ans:  Communication involves four elements :

* Sender - This is the person who originates the message 

* Message - The content that is being communicated

* Channel - The medium being used to transmit the message

* Receiver - The person who the message is directed toward

Encoding occurs on the sender's end, involving the way in which the message is transmitted. Whereas, the receiver Decodes the message through the channel that was used.
There are always barriers to effective communication.
Noise is anything that interferes with a message being sent between participants in a communication encounter. Even if a speaker sends a clear message, noise may interfere with a message being accurately received and decoded. The transmission model of communication accounts for environmental and semantic noise.

Environmental noise is any physical noise present in a communication encounter. Other people talking in a crowded place could interfere with your ability to transmit a message and have it successfully decoded. While environmental noise interferes with the transmission of the message, semantic noise refers to noise that occurs in the encoding and decoding process. Communication is not a one-way process. Feedback, makes communication a more interactive, two-way process, Feedback includes messages sent in response to other messages.

(b) People send messages to others for different purposes. Mention at least five purposes/reasons for which messages are generally sent.
(1) to express feelings
(2) to influence
(3) to inform

(4) to imagine  

(5) to meet social expectations.

(ii) Given below is a tree-diagram explaining two major types of messages. Complete the blank boxes in the diagram. One is done for you.

(A1) (i) In pairs, enact the given conversation between Rakesh and Mrs Sarkar.
Rakesh : Hello, may I speak to Dr Sarkar?
Mrs Sarkar : He has gone to the hospital to attend the                                              OPD. May I know who is speaking?
Rakesh :Yes. I am Rakesh Sood. My wife has been having  
                 severe headache since yesterday. Since this  
                morning she has also developed a high  
                temperature. I would be very grateful if the  
               doctor could come over to our place to examine 
Mrs Sarkar : Of course. Please let me note down your address.
Rakesh : It is B-49, New Colony.
Mrs Sarkar : I will give him your message as soon as he returns.
Rakesh : Thank you.

Mrs Sarkar had to leave for the school where she teaches. So she wrote a message for her husband. Draft the message in not more than 50 words.
22/06 - 9 am


                 One Rakesh Sood staying at B-49, New Colony rang up this morning to say his wife has not been keeping well. She had headache yesterday and has been running a high temperature since this morning. He wanted you to go over their place and attend her at the earliest. 

- Sunita

(ii) Using information from the dialogue given below, write the message which Amrita left for her brother, Sourajit. (Do not leave out any vital information or add any new information).
Shekhar : Is this 28473892?
Amrita : Yes. May I know who is speaking?
Shekhar : I am Shekhar. I want to speak to Sourajit. I am his 
                  friend from IHM, Goa.
Amrita : I am his sister. Sourajit is not at home at the moment. 
               Can you ring up a little later?
Shekhar : I shall be a little busy. Actually, I have got a placement
                 at the Hotel Mumbai, and will have to join with 
                 immediate effect. So right now I am trying to get all the 
                 formalities completed. This is the news that I wanted to 
                 give Sourajit. Will you do that for me? Also tell him 
                 that I will let him know my new cell phone number as
                 soon as I get one.
Amrita : I’ll do that. Bye and all the best.

Amrita had to leave for office. So she wrote a note for Sourajit. Draft her message in not more than 50 words.
Dear Sourajit,

       Shekhar your friend from IHM Goa had called in your absence.
He wanted me to convey his message that he has got a job at the Hotel, Mumbai and he will be joining with immediate effect. Currently, he is completing his formalities and will pass on his new cell phone number as soon as he receives the new one.

- Amrita

(iii) You are Priyanka, a personal assistant to Ms Sen. She was away attending a meeting when Mr Garg rang up. You spoke to him and jotted down his message in your note- pad.

Draft the message for Ms Sen using the information in your notes given below.

Mr Garg - rang up - 5pm - has received the CDs and the posters - coming tomorrow - to thank Ms Sen and to personally hand over the cheque.
Dear Ms. Sen,

                     Mr. Garg had called at 5pm informing about the receipt of the CD and posters. He will be handing over the cheque in person as he plans to come tomorrow.

- Priyanka

(iv) Read the following conversation between Aashna and Mr Singh.
Aashna : Hello, may I speak to Ranajit, please?
Mr Singh : Ranajit is getting ready for school. May I know 
                   who is speaking?
Aashna : My name is Aashna. I am Ranajit’s classmate.
Mr Singh : Hello, Aashna. I am Ranajit’s father. Is there any 
Aashna : Yes. Please ask him to bring his biology notebook to 
                school today. I was absent from school due to illness. 
                I would like to see the notes which our biology teacher 
                gave to the class during my absence.
Mr Singh : I will definitely do that.

Since Mr Singh had to go for his morning walk he left a message for Ranajit. Draft that message in 50 words.
Hi Ranajit,

                Aashna had called and she has asked you to carry your biology book to school today as she wants the notes the teacher gave during her absence,

- Dad.

(v) Rajat comes home from school and finds the door locked. Since he has a duplicate key he enters and finds a note from his mother kept on the table. In
it she explains that she had to rush to the hospital with Mrs Manohar, their neighbour, who had met with an accident. She has also written that he should have the rice and curry kept on the dining table for lunch. He could heat the food in the microwave oven if he wanted to, but he should be very careful while handling the switch.

Draft the message which Rajat’s mother left for him.
Hi Rajat,

                   I had to rush to the hospital with Mrs. Manohar, our neighbour as she met with an accident. Please have the rice and curry kept on the dining table for lunch You may heat the food in the microwave oven but please be careful while handling the switch.

- Mom

(vi) Using the information given below, write a message which Manu left for his sister, Renu. (Do not add any new information. The message should not exceed 50 words).

Ruhaan rang up-book-reading session-‘Children Ask Kalam’-Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam-ompilation of letters received by him from children and his answers- Oxford Book Store-8 pm, this evening,-pick you up-6:30 pm-attend reading session together.
Dear Renu,
                Ruhaan had called informing about the book reading session of the book, Children Ask Kalam' by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam which is a compilation of letters received by him from children and his responses to them.
The book-reading is scheduled at Spm at Oxford book store this evening. Ruhaan will pick you up at 6:30pm as he plans to attend the session with you.

- Manu.

(vii) Given below is a template for a message. Imagine you are working as a receptionist in a company and you are supposed to maintain the call record.

Complete the details given in the template for a particular message.

(viii) Explore:
(a) Browse the net and prepare a tabular column to explain the ‘Dos and Don’ts’ while drafting messages.

(b) Browse the net to find innovative ‘Message Templates’.
Ans:  There are many innovative 'Message Templates’ available on the net. Some tamplates are given in below image.

(c) Prepare a collection of short messages that are usually drafted and exchanged within the family members to keep them well informed and updated in case of different situations.
Ans: Answer wil be added soon.

(d) Prepare a project titled, ‘The Importance of Messages in Everyday Life’.
Ans: Answer wil be added soon.

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