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3.2 Do Schools Really Kill Creativity ? 


 Observe the given figure and complete the activities that follow:
(a) Replace the 'main idea' by any other thought or title of 
      your own.
(b) Add three supporting ideas to the main idea as their branches.
(c) Add two ideas to one of the branches that explains the meaning 
     of the branch.

 Complete the given blank spaces / balloons with your ideas in the figure that describes your basic preparation for the HSC Board Examination. Also complete the activities that follow:

Complete a similar type of detailed graphical figure in your own style showing the thoughts/ideas/concepts that keep on generating in your mind and then you choose a particular style/design or a graphical representation to describe the same idea/facts/situations-then this type of presentation can be called 'Mind Mapping.' Use different shapes, arrows, lines, connectors, balloons, boxes, curved arrows, callouts, scribbles, scrolls, explosions etc. to describe your point of view.
Ans :

(A1) Study the given tabular column. In pairs, tell your partner the importance of each given below:
( Students have to read this table carefully. )
Ans :
Student A : How does mind - mapping help us?

Student B: It helps us see an overall picture.

Student A : Would you kindly explain it a bit more?

Student B: See, as one would expect, mind mapping conveys the whole idea through hierarchy and relationships.

Student A : By the way, what is hierarchy"?

Student B: Hierarchy is a system in which classes, status, authority, etc, are ranked one above the other.

Student A: I think I've got it. With the help of mind - mapping we 'maps out the points beginning from the more important ones and going on to the less important ones.

Student B: Exactly It is a sort of branching out. What I find exciting is that the 'mapping out originates from our brain quite spontaneously.

Student A: Being the creators we grasp it fully, don't we?

Student B: Yes, we do. Now you got it fully right!

(A2) Given below is a 'Mind Mapping' template. Use your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate/develop them. (Develop your ideas in the form of main branch, sub-branches and tertiary branches respectively).
  Also, write a paragraph on the mind map you have completed.

The above given figure is my Mind Map about Preposition(Time).
The four main ideas(types) are IN, ON and AT of such  Preposition(Time). Using of prepositions we have to know about the correct situation of sentence.The Mind Map helps to identify that situation and that also helps to use correct preposition at correct place.

(A3) Develop a 'Mind Mapping' frame / design to show the development in your personality seen within yourself in the last 5 years. You can take the help of the following points in order to develop each of them into further branches:
(Development in Physique, Self-learning Process, Communication Skills, Social Awareness, Family Responsibility)

(A4) Develop a 'Mind Mapping' frame / design to show the 'Benefits of games and sports' to the students. You can take the help of the following points in order to develop each of them into further branches:
(Fitness and stamina, team spirit and sportsmanship, group behaviour, killer's instinct, will to win)

(A5) Browse the internet to know the following:
1. Different Frames/Designs on Mind Mapping
Ans: i) 

2. Benefits of Mind Mapping
Ans: Mind - Mapping is an effective tool that helps us capture the logical thinking process that goes on in our mind. It enables us to put pieces of information in the proper slots. The gathered pieces of information then assume a compact and condensed format which can be committed to memory with vividness and clarity. Mind - Mapping also helps generate a stream of creative ideas. The speed and spontaneity of Mind - Mapping proves to be a great advantage during brainstorming sessions.

3. Uses of Mind Mapping in Note-Taking
Ans: Mind - Mapping is a creative way of note-taking. We do not remain just passive listeners noting down points mechanically. On the contrary, Mind - Mapping helps us put our creative selves in the process. Thus, we become the co-producers of the information. Using Mind - Mapping in note-taking also enables us to structure the information to suit our natural inclinations of arrangement.

4. Difference between Mind Mapping and Concept Mapping
Ans: A Concept map is a diagram that shows the suggested relationships among concepts. Concept maps, unlike the Mind maps, allow more divergence due to their multiple hubs and clusters. Mind maps are often restricted to radial hierarchies and tree structures. Another feature that distinguishes Mind map from a Concept map is that in a Mind map the basic idea is embodied in the centre image and the main themes radiate from the centre as branches. This, then branches off further as twigs.

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