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1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence 

 There are different ways to travel from one place to another for different purposes. Discuss with your partner and match the words given in table A with their meanings in table B.

 Discuss the following with your partner and complete the web.

(A1) (i) Upbringing plays a very important role in shaping one's life. 
The teacher will form two groups in the class. One group will speak in favour of the above topic while the other will speak against it. Debate brings out different perspectives, it does not mean one is right and other is wrong. You can take help of the following points and have a debate on it.
Ans: Teachers have to form two groups of students, one group will speak in favour and the other group against.

(ii) Go through the text again and describe the second innings of the writer in your own words.
Ans: Writer always wanted to follow his passion of authoring books. His yearning was to read and write on various subjects concerning human life and existence. Therefore, he gave up two offers of around 3 crore rupees per annum to become a writer. This is how his second innings as a writer in Marathi began. After this, he wrote about 34 books in Marathi. Most of them had become bestsellers with tens of thousands of copies sold for each. However, it was not the sales or the money that is was important to The author as much as the fact that these books have brought about very good changes in the lives of thousands of readers.
(A2) (i) Read the text again and make a list of great Indian and foreign personalities who had a great impact on Achyut Godbole during his childhood. One is done for you.

(ii) Find different techniques used by the writer to learn Science and Mathematics. One is done for you.
(a) The writer used to appreciate the inherent beauty of these 
(b) He had a queer curiosity so used to solve the maths 
      much ahead of the class. He used to solve 9th maths 
      when he was in 7th Standard.
(c) The attitude of looking beyond marks or examinations 
      and to seek joy in solving any challenging problem 
      helped author to develop a problem-solving attitude 
      which was inherent of Maths and Science,
(d) The author used to study these subjects or any subject 
      for that matter for its inherent beauty. He found 
      Newton's law of motion beautiful and Pythagorean 
      Theorem elegant.

(iii) The writer faced numerous problems while communicating in English because-
(a) He had his entire education in Marathi.
(b) He used to think in native language and then translate 
      in English.
(c) He used to somehow try to speak out these translated 
      English sentences in an extremely awkward fashion.

(iv) The writer was completely stumped because his
(a) vocabulary was weak.
(b) spoken English was quite pathetic.
(c) pronunciation was terrible.
(d) construction of sentences was very awkward.

(v) Read the text again and complete the sentence:
Due to the writer’s pathetic English speaking style, he
(a) Felt Quite lonely and terrified in Mumbai in general and 
      IIT in particular,

(b) He had developed an inferiority complex.

(c) He wanted to run away from IIT and even Mumbai.

(vi) Complete the following sentences. The writer wanted to achieve mastery in English because-

(a) he wanted to speak excellent, elegant and fluent English
(b) he will be able to speak confidently.
(c) he need not have to hesitate and feel diffident.

(vii) Make a list of different steps that the writer undertook to improve his English speaking skills.
(a) He started reading English newspapers and English novels.

(b) He studied etymology and phonetics and studied the roots 
      of the words and how to pronounce them.

(c) He used to stand in front of the mirror and practice speaking,
     realising his mistakes and correcting them himself all the time
    and improvising and improving day by day.

(viii) (a) Read the text again and describe the writer’s achievements after achieving mastery over the English language.
- His fear for English disappeared.

He gained more confidence.

His fear had vanished and he started feeling at home even 
   in hostel

- In his future career he felt at ease while striking 
   conversation with CEOs and Directors.

(b) Go through the text again and complete the table comparing two different phases of life of the writer-as an MD or Chief Executive Officer and an activist of Sarvodaya movement.

(ix) (a) Complete the web highlighting the various opportunities you gained due to your good English speaking skills.

(b) Describe a situation or incident when you felt embarassed for your lack of knowledge of a particular subject or incompetence in speaking English fluently.
Ans: During an interview to get in to a stream of subject I felt diffident and cut a very sorry figure not being able to converse in English.
The panellists kept barging me with questions but I could answer none as I had limited conversational skills in English language.

(A3) (i) Fill in the blanks selecting the correct phrase from the alternatives given. One is done for you.
[be completely stumped, be broken, feel out of place, speak at length, feel at home, sea of knowledge, broaden one’s horizon, one’s second innings, touch the hearts, keep one going]

(a) By the end of the week she was beginning to feel at home 
      in her new job.

(b) When he lost his mother he was completely broken.

(c) Travelling can help to broaden one's horizon.

(d) After my retirement I started my second innings as a 
      social worker.

(e) Having faith in God keeps one going in difficult situation.

(f) To succeed in any competitive examination, one requires a 
     sea of knowledge.

(g) The simple village girl feels out of place in a formal party.

(h) The work done by Sindhutai Sapkal touched the hearts of 

(i) The teacher Spoke at length explaining the concept.

(j) The speaker was completely stumped by the intelligent
     questions asked by the audience.

(ii) Read the text again and find out all the words related to the game of cricket. List two meanings of each. One is done for you.

(iii) Go through the text to find the antonyms of the words given in the grid and fill the boxes. One is done for you.
Ans:                (1) unlucky  
                (2) solution
                (3) trust
                (4) confident
                (5) advanced
                (6) blockhead

(A4) (i) Primary Auxiliary Verbs are ‘be’, ‘have’ and ‘do’ which occur most commonly and can also be used as a main verb in a clause.
Go through the sentences given below and say whether the verbs are main verbs or primary auxiliary verbs.
(a) I had a very simple upbringing.
Ans: had - main verb

(b) I was immensely impressed.
Ans: was - main verb

(c) I had learnt from my childhood that money did not mean everything in life.
Ans: had - auxiliary verb

(d) He was a convent educated guy.
Ans: was - main verb

(e) They did all the work in time.
Ans: did - main verb

(f) I had to achieve a lot in life.
Ans: had - main verb

(ii) Read the given sentences:

Does Sam write all his own reports?
• The secretaries haven’t written all the letters yet.
• Terry is writing an e-mail to a client at the moment.

The verbs in bold are broadly used to express tense. 'Do' can also be used for adding emphasis, as in " I do know the answer." The vebes 'be', 'have' and 'do' are called Primary Auxiliaries. When helping verbs are used to express the mode or action, they are called Modals.

• You shall have a holiday tomorrow. (Simple Future)
• We should obey our elders. (Obligation)
• I can play the piano. (Ability)

Could you open the window, please? (Request)

In the above examples the modals indicate the expressions given in brackets. There are other modals that are used for expressions.

Study the given table carefully and do the activities that follow.

(a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals according to the situations given in the following sentences.

(1) Take an umbrella. It may rain later.

(2) People should walk on the grass.

(3)  May I ask you a question?

(4) The signal has turned red. You must wait.

(5) I was a sportsperson in my school days. I can play badminton.

(6) I am going to the library. I will find my friend there.

(b) Find from the text, the sentences that show past habit.
(1) I studied etymology and phonetics and studied the roots of the words and how to pronounce them 
(2) I was immediately attracted to the group and developed immense and deep interest in all these branches of knowledge

(iii) Do as directed and rewrite the sentences.
(a) I did not fully understand their discussions but I was immensely impressed. (Remove 'but'.)
Ans: Though I fully didn't understand their discussion, I was impressed

(b) I had decided that I would do nothing of this sort.
     (Remove 'that'.)
Ans: I had decided not to do anything of this sort.

(c) My fear had vanished and I started feeling at home in my 
     hostel. (Use ‘when’.)
Ans: When my fear had vanished, I started feeling at home in my hostel 

(d) It was only my self-esteem which stopped me.
      (Remove 'which'.)
Ans: My self esteem stopped me.

(e) I plunged into all these branches of knowledge. It was a period of renaissance. (Join with 'which'.)
Ans: I plunged in to all these branches of knowledge which was a period of renaissance,

(f) When I look back, there are a number of lessons that I cherish. (Remove 'When'.)
Ans: As I look back, there are a number of lessons that I cherish.
Looking back there are number of lessons that I cherish

(g) There are hundreds who tell me that they understood the theory of relativity. (Remove 'who'.)
Ans: There are hundreds telling me that they understood the theory of relativity.

(A5) Flyer is a small piece of paper intended for wide distribution at a public place, handed out to individuals or sent through mail or post it is used for advertising, an event, programme, drive or product.

Go through the sample of the flyer given above and prepare flyers on the following topics.
Use the following points :
- Details
- Special Features
- Why to choose us / Need of drive/ Purpose of the mission
- Anything special
- Add your own points.
Topics :
1. Yoga Class / Summer Hobby Class
2. Tree Plantation Drive
3. Cleanliness Drive
4. Help us to end Child Labour
5. Let’s get rid of the monsters - tobacco and alcohol
1. Yoga Class / Summer Hobby Class:
Mission Statement


2. Tree Plantation Drive:
Mission Statement


3. Cleanliness Drive:
Mission Statement


4. Help us to end Child Labour:
Mission statement


5. Let’s get rid of the monsters - tobacco and alcohol :
Ans: The answer will be added soon

(A6) Achyut Godbole has written many bestsellers that are famous far and wide. Read at least two books of your choice, make summary of those books and submit.
Ans:The answer will be added soon

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