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3.1 Summary Writing 

 Discuss in pairs and guess the correct alternative for the following.
1. To summarize means .
(a) Put information in chronological order ✔️  
(b) To recapitulate the main points in selection
(c) To introduce new information
(d) To write one’s opinion about selection

2. The type of summary that consists of a paragraph to express the main idea is .
(a) Outline (b) Report   (c) Synopsis  ✔️    (d) Written summary

 There are various ways of incorporating other writers’ works into your own writing. They differ according to the closeness of your writing to the source writing. Match the ways of writing in brief given in column (A) with their descriptions in column (B).
Ans :

(A1) Complete the following as instructed.
Read the passage and write its summary according to the given steps.
Communication is a part of our everyday life. We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on our moods. Animals, too, communicate, much to our surprise. Just like us, interaction among animals can be both verbal or nonverbal. Singing is one way in which animals can interact with one another. Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the attention of the females. These songs are usually rich in notes variation, encoding various
kinds of messages. Songs are also used to warn and keep off other blackbirds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell and reproduce. Large mammals in the oceans sing too, according to adventurous sailors. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphins and porpoises produce pings, whistles and clicks. These sounds are surprisingly received by other mates as far as several hundred kilometres away.
- Neha, their eldest child, is very intelligent. [Here, Neha and their eldest child are the same person.]
Ans:  Communication- means of living Humans communicate with one another depending upon their moods. Animals also communicate, sing and interact with the same species. Male blackbirds attract females by songs filled with messages as well as it is a threat to to other backbirds. Sea animals also communicate,sing like whales groan and grunt,dolphins and porpoises produce pings,whistle clicks. Their mates can recieve the sound from 100 kms also.

(A2) (i) Cut redundant words :
We’re often inefficient in our language, using more words than necessary. Consider the following phrases. Find five more redundant words.
(a) “Circle around” can become “circle.”
(b) “Write down” can become “write.”
(c) “Added bonus” is simply a “bonus.”
(d) “Get to the point as quickly as possible” is really “get to the point.”
(e) “Close proximity” is “close.”
(f) “During the course of” is “during.”
Ans :
1) Each and every - each

2) Exactly the same - same

3) Free gift - gift 

4) Repeat again - repeat

5) One and the same - same 

(ii) Avoid adverbs :
Adverbs clutter up your copy. You can usually live without them. Here are some examples.
(a) “That’s usually a good thing to do.”
(b) “That’s fairly good coffee.”
(c) “I totally agree.”
(d) “Actually, I disagree.”
Just delete all those italicized words and rewrite.
Ans :
 1) " That's a good thing to do."

2) "That's good coffee."

3) "I agree."

4) "I disagree."

(iii) One word substitution :
One word substitutes are words that replace a group of words or a full sentence effectively without creating any ambiguity in the meaning of the sentences.
(a) The life story of man written by himself: autobiography
(b) A sound that cannot be heard: inaudible
(c) A list of books : catalogue
(d) A sentence whose meaning is unclear: ambiguous
Find as many examples as you can from the internet and make a list.
Ans :
1) A place where orphans live - Orphanage 
2) A position for which no salary is paid - Honorary
3) Practice of having several wives - Polygamy
4) Practice of having several wives - Polygamy
5) A book written by an unknown author - Anonymous
6) One who eats too much - Glutton
7) One who questions everything - Cynic
8) A game in which no one wins - Draw
9) A study of animals - Zoology
10) A study of ancient things - Archeology

(A3) (i) Use of noun in apposition :
Apposition is a grammatical construction in which two elements, normally noun phrases, are placed side by side, with one element serving to identify the other in a different way; the two elements are said to be in apposition.
Apposition can be used to make the compound sentences short and simple.

  Neha is their eldest child and she is very intelligent.
- Neha, their eldest child, is very intelligent. [Here, Neha and their eldest child are the same person.]

(ii) Transforming Complex to Simple: By using phrases like 'too…to' or using nouns\phrase instead of a clause :
Nagpur is the city where oranges grow.
- Oranges grow in Nagpur.
The old man is so weak that he cannot walk.
- The old man is too weak to walk.

Change the following sentences into simple:
(a) Mr Rohit is the member and he is also the director.
Ans: Mr. Rohit is a member and the director also.

(b) The room is so small that it cannot accommodate many people.
Ans: The room is too small to accommodate many people.

(c) You have to prove that you are innocent.
Ans: You have to prove your innocence.

(d) He was late so he walked in a great hurry.
Ans: Being late he walked in a great hurry.

(A4) (i) Read any book of your choice and write its summary according to the steps explained in the chapter.
Ans: Answer will be added soon.

(ii) Find some professions that require the skill of summary writing and editing. Write them in your notebook.
1) Journalist 
2) Editor
3) Advertising Copywriter
4) Marketing Communications Specialist
5) Technical Writer
6) Proposal Writer
7) Web Writing
8) Reporters

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