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2.5 Father Returning Home
 Discuss with your partner the difficulties that you face while commuting to and from the college by public transport.
(a) There are no proper walkways when I alight the bus to get to wherever you want to go.

(b) Bus drivers constantly and excessively honk for no reason which I am subject to constantly if I am in the bus.

(c) The payment system is still archaic. I gotta have the change ready or be ready to lose money.

(d) There are no proper bus stops and buses don't properly stop by the side of the road. Many times they want to jump out of a moving bus on to traffic in the next lane.

(a) Time-Time and timetable of public transport is not fixed due to various reasons.

(b) Overcrowded - Public transport is always overcrowded.

(c) Delay- Traffic, rain, mechanical defects, road problems etc. paved way to delay in running.

(d) Risk of Theft- There is a lot of risk of pick pocketing and chain snatching.

➭The similar problems are faced by the other commuters on the way to their workplace. Imagine their plight and suggest three solutions.
(a) Bus stops are not located near us. One has to walk longer to catch bus, to change bus and after we can reach our college.

(b) Public transportation doesn't have proper schedule therefore we will have to wait for long hours sometimes.

(c) Lots of stops in a journey; if your journey is 10 kms there will be more than 20 stops.

(d) Crowded buses and trains.

(e) Sometime we may miss important lectures.

(f) There are few reserved seats for ladies, old citizens, and physically disabled people.

(g) There is a risk of pick pocketing and chain snatching.

 The similar problems are faced by the other commuters on the way to their work place. Imagine their plight and suggest three solutions.
Ans: them your place to sit. them change.

3.if seat is not available then give them small space to stand.

4.make good relationship between the staff of Government and public.

                                                    Or them your place to sit.

2.We should arrange special bus / public transport for senior citizens and physically disabled people.

3. The government should decide proper schedule of public transportation.

4. The government should send extra buses therefore we can reduce crowds.

5. Maintain and follow the public transportation rules carefully.


 Complete the following table.


A) The way our elders take care of us :
1. Love and protect us.
2. Guide, support and educate us.
3. Give us pocket-money and gifts.
4. Tell us fairy tales.
5. Teach us Indian culture and traditions.

B) The way you can take care of elders in your family.
1. Help them in daily chores.
2. Spend time with them
3. Give the mental and moral support.
4. Take them doctor visit regularly.
5. Take follow up of their medicine and meditations.

 Write your duties towards the following-

➢ Parents:

* We ought to honor our parents by respectful behavior.

* Love of our parents consists in kind feelings kind actions towards them.

* Obedience towards our parents consists in fulfilling all their lawful commands.

To give respect to them.

* To share their responsibilities.

* To discuss family problems and help them to solve it.

* To help them in their works.

  * You should be able to hide your ego and do your best not to compare your life with your siblings.

* Teach them positive and good thoughts.

* Teach them to respect our elders.

* Teach them to work with honestly.

* Teach them to be good with everyone.

To be a role model for Youngers.

* Be friendly. 

* Protect them and teach them good values.

* To care of them and show best way for good future.


• Take care of their health in every possible way

• give them healthy food, fruits time to time • Take them to park for jogging or yoga, whatever they are able to do.

• Take care of their cleanliness in every possible way.

• Respect to their views and thoughts.

• Take care of their health.

• Spend time with them.

• Learn values and get advices from them.

School / College :

• show them respect.

 Be prepared for their class.

• be on time, and be eager to learn.

 Communicate with them.

• If you miss a day of school you should be prepared to go in the next day and get your missed school work, then complete it and turn it in by the deadline you are given by your teacher.

• Obey their instructions and orders. 

 Learn everything from them with modesty.

• Give respect them.

• Feel them best with your progress.


• Show kindness and helpfulness 

• Don't single someone out, tease them, or spread rumors.

• have a responsibility to respect all fellow students.

• Be friendly

• Be helping.

• Be generous and courteous. 

 Give them moral support whenever they want.

 Take them away from bad habits.


(A1) (i) Discuss with your friend the difficulties faced by the father in the poem.
(a) He commutes in over crowded train by standing.

(b) He is powerless to hold even his bag while traveling.

(c) In rainy season he faced difficulties like soaked clothes, stained coat and chapple by mud.

(d) His eyesight dimmed.

(e) He can't get proper dietary food to eat.

(f) His children do not share anything with him.

(g) No one taking care of him and consider him as part of family.

(ii) Discuss the character sketch of the father with the help 
      of the given points.
(His pathetic condition, the treatment he receives at home, his solitude, the way he tries to overcome it)
Ans: The father returning home from their long day work in a late evening train. He gets tired with all day work and overcrowded commutes. In rainy season the condition become worse his clothes are soggy (wet) and raincoat stained with mud. He even unable to hold his carry bag and stuff which signs limp old age. He is not bodily fit as gets stale chapatti in dinner. He is in poor physical state due inadequate dietary food. His children are obstinately refused to share jokes and secretes. He feels isolated in his own home. He gets busy himself in a reading a book and listening radio.
(a) The poet's father had crossed the prime of his age but had to still work to earn his livelihood and travel back home in the late evening train where he did not even get a seat. His clothes were wet due to monsoon rain.

(b) At home also he was not received warmly as he was served weak tea and stale chapatis.

(c) He felt alienated as his own children were not bothered to share with him their time. They were not interested to give him relief from his loneliness.

(d) So, he took refuge in listening to a noisy radio and slept dreaming of his ancestors and his grandchildren. The thoughts of the past and the future gave him relief as the past helped him to understand the change that had come to the society and the future generation kept his hope alive.

(A2) (i) Given below are the ideas conveyed through the poem. Match the pairs and draw out the hidden meaning from those expressions.

(ii) Find the lines to prove the following facts from the poem.
(a) Father is deprived of good food.
Ans: .....drinking weak tea, Eating a stale chapati, reading a book.

(b) Children did not have a healthy relation with the father.
Ans: His sullen children have often refused to share Jokes and secrets with him.

(iii) The poet deals with the theme of man’s estrangement from a man-made world. Analyze it with the help of the poem.
1. The central idea or theme of the poem Father Returning Home is man's estrangement from a man-made world (Home).

2. Here estrangement means - a state of separation from family, friends or society.
This scene also called alienation. No one consider him or her as part of family or society.
They treated as secondary and least important.

3. In this present poem poet's father also faces the problem estrangement in his own created world means family. Everyone including his own son and grandchildren avoid him. Obstinately they refused to share jokes and secretes. They consider him as a outsider or insignificant. Irony is that his feels isolated in his own family. He creates this world with his own hands by doing hard work but he remains lonely, isolated and unhappy. He lives in a very painful life of loneliness in his own world.

(iv) The father contemplates about his past and peeps into his future. Give reasons.
Ans:  From the very beginning of the poem, Poets father is in gloomy mood. He is not happy with the present routine or life. He leads very monotonous and dull life. There is nothing any livable and exciting in his life. He wants get rid of from this pitiable daily routine. So he gets busy himself in dream where he found comforted place than the modem world.

(A3) Complete the following using suitable describing words as appeared in the poem with the help of the words given in the brackets :
(weak, dim, muddy, soggy, stale)
(a) Father’s attire            - soggy
(b) Father’s tea               - weak
(c) Father’s footware     - muddy
(d) Father’s food            - stale
(e) Father’s eyesight      - dim

(A4) (i) 'Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night'.
In the above line the weather is humid, not the night. The epithet or adjective is transferred from the weather to the night. This figure of speech is Transferred Epithet. Find out such other expressions from the poem.
Ans: Figure Of Speech: Transferred Epithet. 

In this figure an epithet is transferred from its proper word to another that is closely connected with it in the sentence.

1. Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night.
Ans: Transferred Epithet: The epithet humid is transferred the weather to the night.

2. Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes.
Ans: Transferred Epithet: The epithet unseeing is transferred from the poet to his eyes.

3. The cold water running over his brown hands.
Ans: Transferred Epithet: The epithet brown is transferred from the man to his hands.

(ii) Identify and write the lines from the poem which express the following figures of speech.

(iii) I see him drinking weak tea, eating a stale chapati.
Here ‘stale chapati’ stands for stale food/non-nourishing food or diet, where the part symbolizes the whole, i.e. food. Guess the name of the figure of speech.
Ans: Synecdoche
• The word Synecdoche means the under standing of one thing by means of another.
By this figure one noun is changed for another of similar meaning.
A figure of speech in which a part of a person is used to represent the whole.
e.g. A few droplets cling to the greying hair on his wrists.

•His sullen children have often refused to share Jokes and secrets with him.

(A5) (i) Write a counterview on the following topic.
“Every day is a mother’s/ father’s day.”
(a) If you love them, you don’t need to wait for such days.
(b) Celebrating days is just a formality.
(c) Celebrations of the days condition your expression of emotions.
(d) It is a kind of a pretext to neglect your everyday responsibilities.
Ideally speaking we should celebrate mother's day or father's day. Celebrating such special days does not mean other days are not to celebrate or express our love and gratitude. Today's world is so fast and busy. Many times we can't get a time to express our feelings due to various reasons. In reality everyone from school going lad to working pals are busy in themselves so, they don't spare a time for family, to mother and father.

Celebrating days bestows an opportunity to realize her/his dedication to family. Our parents sacrifice all their dreams to fulfill your dreams. It also gives a chance to lives in their shocs for a while then we realize the rigidity of life. We can get closer view and take live experience of their devotion to family. Thus there should be a day when we can dedicate our entire time to mother and father. Grab the chance to do something wonderful and surprising to show our eternal love.

(ii) Conduct a group discussion on the role of children towards their 'Parents and Senior Citizens'.
Ans: Evaluator: Good afternoon everybody. The topic for today's group discussion is The role of children towards their parents and senior citizens. I welcome you all for the programme. We have four speakers, A, B, C and D. All the best to all of you. You all must have seen the rules and regulations. So, let's start the group discussion.

Speaker A: Good afternoon one and all. I have always believed old is gold'. Senior citizens, with life-full of experiences are gold and need to be protected. They are delicate and should be handled with care. They have passed the prime of their lives and now it is our duty to make them feel important. Parents work hard to provide the best to their children. Now, it is the turn of the children to look after them and make them feel wanted in the family as well as the society.

Speaker B : I agree with my previous speaker that 'old is gold' But it is also true, 'old order changed yielding place to new So, the new generation has to move with time. World is progressing by leaps and bounds. For the younger generation, Time is money. The senior citizens and the parents need to understand that the children are not deliberately neglecting them. They may not be able to spare time for them and also because of generation gap, the children may not share everything with the parents. I feel, it is a two-way traffic. The elderly people also need to be understanding and I feel they should build a world of their own rather than complaining

Speaker C: I partially agree with my friend the second speaker. The elderly people may develop some hobbies like gardening, reading, join groups like laughter-clubs a way of keeping themselves occupied. But the children also have a role to play to make the senior citizens at home like parents and grandparents feel secure. They can manage things in such a way that they keep some time reserved for the elderly people who do not have a big demand. They just want a bit of attention to come out of their loneliness.

Speaker D : Sorry to interrupt you, my friend estrangement of the elderly people is one of the biggest problem of the modern world which has become so fast-paced that the new generation has no time to stand and stare. The elderly people belong to the same world but still feel alienated by this man-made problem. Only the younger generation can help them come out of this frustration.

I agree with the other speaker on the issue of role-reversal. The children need to do their part to look after not only the physical needs but also the emotional needs of the parents

Evaluator: Thank you all for presenting your views clearly. I request Speaker A to conclude

Speaker A: Thank you madam. I want to conclude by saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way". The alienation of the elderly people has become a global problem which can be easily solved by proper time management. One needs to have the will to do it.

(iii) Write an appreciation of the poem 'Father Returning Home'.
1. About the Poet - Dilip Chitre (1938 to 2009) was a celebrated bilingual poet and translator with a remarkable work in Marathi and English. He is creative painter, film-maker and famous magazine columnist.

2. About the Title: The poem a biographical sketch of Dilip Chitre own father. His father is a daily commuter of local train who goes on long day work and retum by the late evening train.
Dilip Chitre expresses his father's estrangement from manmade world. His minuet observation describes in this poem entitled as Father Returning Home. The poet shows the loneliness and world-weariness of an old man in the modern society by depicting a picture of his own father returning home from work.

3. About the Poem - The poem is about a common man, suburban commuter who works hard for his family. On the contrary this commuter means poet's father feels lonely in his own created world. He feels neglected in this modem world by his family. So he finds himself unfit and secondary in this modern society. His lives become dull, and unwillingly he forced to alienation.

His children refuse to share their joys and sorrows with the father. Sense of anxiety forced him to retire into solitude. The poem shows his journey of hard working hands into painful loneliness of the selfish world.

4. Theme: The central idea or theme of the poem is man's estrangement from a man-made world (Home) a state of separation from family, friends, or society. In this poem Here estrangement means poet's father also faces the problem of estrangement in his own created world means family.
Everyone including his own son and grandchildren avoid him. Obstinately they refused to share jokes and secretes. They consider him as an outsider or insignificant. Irony is that his feels isolated in his own family. He creates this world with his own hands by doing hard work but he remains isolated and unhapPy.

5. Poetic Style: The poem is written in simple narrative form which is a monologue. The tone of the poem is gloomy. The various words and description of the poem depicts miserable condition of the character. The poem consists of two stanzas of 12 lines cach. It is written in free verse with no particular meter or rhyme scheme followed. And the lack of rhythm is symbolic of the poet's father's ignored life. It is in first person narrative where the poet-speaker narrates how his father returns home and what he does afterward.

6. Language and Poetic Devices: The language used in the poem is very simple and easy to understand. As the poem is based on Indian urban settings poct used simple Indian context like chapati, chapple. The language used by poct is descriptive carries simple vocabulary. language is easy and simple The but full of symbolic expressions and poetic devices like simile. The poet uses many figures of speech to create effect in the subject. Alliteration, Metaphor, Synecdoche, Transferred Epithet are vividly used in the poem.
Figures of speech like Personification, Onomatopoeia, and Simile are used naturally.
The example like weak tea, stale chapati, static radio, sullen children, estrangement, standing silent, unseen eyes, soggy clothes, dimmed eyes etc creates and develops seriousness of alienation problem in modern world.

7. Special Features: The keen observation and pictorial description of the poet is special. The poet describes it in such a manner that readers feel pity for father's pathetic condition. From the beginning to end poem holds its gloominess with prolong scenes of father's isolation which remains same.

8. Message, Values, and Morals: The poem gives message of separation of man (old generation) from modern society. The modem generation is not coping with old one. It focuses the communication gap as well as life style of modern society. The father or old people are not for negligence but for vigilance.

9. Your Opinion about the Poem: I like this poem very much because the topic is very relevant to present society. The poem is written in simple and appealing language. The poem paved way a option to realize us the importance of father and his dedication towards family.
1) Title : The title of the poem indicates that the poet is talking about the monotonous routine of his father. It also indicates that the poet is is about to describe the event in detail.

2)Poet :  Dilip Chitre is well known Indian poet who writes in English as well. His themes are remarkable. He mostly writes about the alienation, estrangement and death.

3) POEM : This poem expresses the theme of separation and generation gap between father and his children. The poet has used vivid visuals to Express the theme. It depicts the pathetic loneliness of the father who is denied basic needs.

4) THEME : The theme of the poem is an experience and a routine of an aged man. The poem also deals with the miseries of elderly people in big cities. The poet talks about the loneliness of his father from the man mad world.

5) STYLE : This poem is written in a free verse. Length of the line is uneven. The poem has no stanza pattern. The poem is of 24 lines. It is written in a simple language. Visual imagery is used in abound. The poem has a strong picturesque quality.

6) SPECIAL FEATURES : The poet has used the special effects of visual imagery to describe the theme of loneliness. The images of local train, late evening, yellow light, unseen eyes, dimmed eyes are remarkable.

7) SIGNIFICANCE / MESSAGE : The poem is significant in many ways as it depicts the pathetic picture of a lonely man in metropolitan city.
The poem towards the behavior of family members and indirectly expects an improvement in behavior and inspire to appreciate the hard work of elderly people.

8) CONCLUSION/ OPINION : We can conclude that this poem is autobiographical in nature. The poem draws a picture of a lonely father and it is well understood by the readers. A long lingering effect is successfully created.

(iv) Compose a short poem in about 4-6 lines on your father.
Ans:                                  Father 

First faithful person of my life

Always help and support me

Teaches me tradition, culture and moral lessons.

Hero of my life who cares and shares a lot

Endless stream of love and affection

Reliable and righteous man.

(v) Write a character sketch of your family member.
Ans:                                    My Mother 
                              If anyone cannot believe angels walk on the earth they should come and meet my mother. My mother is the most affectionate and gentle human I have ever met. She has never spoken a harsh word to anyone as far as I recall. She is so very concerned for the comfort of every other person that she neglects herself. 
                               She looks after her father-in-law who is in his eighties. He is a great scholar and gets many visitors. She attends cheerfully to them all apart from looking after us. My father, my sister and I help out with as much of the household chores as we can. But the main load of running the home falls on her. She takes care of that responsibility so cheerfully as if it is very light. She is loving and jovial with our friends when my sister and I invite them home. She advises us not to overspend but always has a tasty meal when friends and relatives gather for a festival meal. 

                          My father does not make any important decisions in my mother's absence. She discusses everything till they arrive at the most suitable decision. Our grandfather will not eat anything which my mother has not made. After my grandmother passed, he relies on "Saru' my mother, for his diet meals, medicine, his reference books, walking stick, shawl and everything to be in their place.

                                 My mother is our world.

(A6) (i) Dilip Chitre has translated Sant Tukaram's 'Abhang' (devotional poem) for which he received Sahitya Akademi Award. Browse the internet to collect more information about it.
Ans: The answer will be added soon.

(ii) List various occupations related to services which can be rendered to senior citizens.
(a) To counsel patients of Alzheimers' disease.

The answer will be added soon.

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